The Hundred Years' War


Mind Map by 16aball, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 16aball almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Hundred Years' War
  1. Why?
    1. The Scots had been helping the french
      1. Edward II belived he had claim through marriage after death of the Freanchking
        1. The French King wanted the English land in Gasconny
        2. Henry V
          1. Henry was the king of the English, Hewas a great leader
            1. Even when his men were tired from tarvation and Disentryhe still lead them to Victory at the battle of Agincourt
            2. Edward III
              1. 1346 Crecy- Ed III outnumberd Genoese crossbowmenattack but longbow force retreat - French charge in to Genoese -confusion. BP targetedbut fights back and wins spurs
                1. BP takes motto and emblem of Blinde John due to bravery
                2. Frencg attack english cast
                  1. 1340 Sluys- English win controll of channle- attack in France at Will
                  2. Joan of Arc
                    1. Black prince
                      1. Son of Edward III & Govenor of Gasconey in Sw France
                        1. Edward ,Earl of Woodstock govens Gascony
                          1. Fought to win hi speres and become a man
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