Civil and Criminal Law


Civics and Economics Mind Map on Civil and Criminal Law, created by allygagliardo on 11/12/2013.
Mind Map by allygagliardo, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by allygagliardo over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Civil and Criminal Law
  1. Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations" describes the fairness of taxes
    1. Sources of American Law
      1. Code of Hammurabi
        1. Roman Law
          1. English Law
            1. Ten Commandments
      2. Laws should be reasonable, enforceable, and understandable
        1. Criminal Law
          1. Misdemeanor=lesser crime, punishable by probation, community service
            1. Felony=major crime, punishable by jail time
              1. Constitutional=Law that deals with specifically rights and issues revolving around our rights as defined in state or national constitutions
              2. Civil Law
                1. Law suits=Civil cases against another person
                  1. Contracts=Rental/purchase agreements
                    1. Family Law=Divorce, child custody,etc
                      1. Small claims=Law suits of $5,000
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