How much changes socially and culturally 1964 - 70?


mind map on changes in 1964 to 70
tia hutt
Mind Map by tia hutt, updated more than 1 year ago
tia hutt
Created by tia hutt almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

How much changes socially and culturally 1964 - 70?
  1. Mass Media
    1. Radios where still popular, and new models that where portable, used battery and in cars were bought. Earphones become the new accessory for teens to play there music as loud as they wished.
      1. Television was available everywhere, nearly every home owned one
      2. The Sun was founded in 1964.
        1. Advertising took the advantage of television , adverts would be on after each show
        2. Launched in 1964 BBC2 became the first channel to broadcast colour in 1967.
        3. Leisure Activités
          1. knitting, cooking and needlework was still popular due to new gadgets and being able to enjoy the tv while doing crafts.
            1. Weekends were free for leisure activities as people were not expected to work.
              1. Live entertainment such as the theatre and football games had declined
              2. Many watched the television as new channels were launched.
              3. DIY and Gardening also became a popular home activity.
              4. Scientific development
                1. There was progress despite the economic issues and finical restraints.
                  1. Labour's governments key aim was scientific developments
                    1. The Post Office Tower was the tallest building in Britain, it opened in 1965 to improve telecommunications
                  2. Immigration and race
                    1. In 1968 the further Race Relations Act was introduced banning racial discriminations in housing, employment, insurance and other services.
                      1. 1965 Race Relations Act which forbade discrimination in public places, however discrimination in housing and employment were excluded.
                        1. In 1968 the sudden influx of Kenyan Asians prompted the govemrnt to pass the new Commonwealth Immigrations Act. This limited the returning non - white commonwealth citizen into Britain.
                          1. Overall things improved and communities got on better. Notting Hill Carnival became an annual event and Music, Fashion, Dance and Youth Culture was forever adjusting.
                        2. Anti- Vietnam war riots
                          1. Many anti war protests and demonstrations took place, theses varied from violent to peaceful. 200 people were arrested in 1968 after a violent protest a the Battle of Grosvenor Square.
                            1. Many university students joined groups such as the VSC in 1966.
                          2. Permissive society
                            1. Drug use rose up in the era hippies, the dangerous drug act was in 1967 made it lawful to possess drugs
                              1. Riots and protest had always been a thing, but anti vitetnam, anti immigrants and pro - life groups caused destruction.
                            2. Female equality
                              1. Family planning act of 1967 allowed local authorise to give advice on contraception
                                1. There was many feminist movements, looking for equal pay, free 24 hour childcare, contraception and abortion and equal education and job opportunities.
                              2. Censorship
                                1. Theatrical censorship was abolished in 1968, which aloud writers to experiment with social issues in there performances
                                  1. Films and Tv also bega to alter due to less censorship, by the end of the decade screen violence and sex became more acceptable.
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