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explanations of attachment: Bowlby's theory
AS - Level psychology (chapter 3 - attachment ) Mind Map on explanations of attachment: Bowlby's theory, created by Daisy U on 31/01/2016.
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chapter 3 - attachment
as - level
Mind Map by
Daisy U
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Daisy U
about 9 years ago
Resource summary
explanations of attachment: Bowlby's theory
Bowlby's monotropic theory
disagreed with the learning theory to attachments
looked at evolutionary explanation (innate tendency's)
imprinting & attachments evolve to protect from hazards
ASCMI - alice snorts cannabis Monday igloo
attachment to one caregiver
more important than others
primary attachment figure
law of continuity
more constant & predictable the child's care - better quality attachment
law of accumulated separation
effects of every separation add up
social releasers
innate behaviours
smiling & cooing
activate adult attachment systems
make adults fell love towards the baby
critical period
relationship gradually builds up
2 1/2 years
sensitive period
if no attachment formed - harder in later life
internal working model
children form a mental representation of their relationship with primary caregiver
models what all relationships are like
impact on future
affects child's ability to parent
mixed evidence for monotropy
Bowlby - one primary caregiver = special attachment - then multiple attachments
against Schaffer & Emerson
babies can form multiple attachments at the same time as primary caregiver
attachment to primary caregiver is just stronger
not better quality
support for social releasers
needed to initiate social interaction
interactional synchrony exists
support for internal working models
assessed 99 mothers with one year olds
quality of attachment
poor attachment = poor attachment as a child
evaluation +
monotropy is a socially sensitive idea
controversial - implications for the lifestyle choices of mothers
may end in poor quality attachment & disadvantage to the child
effects whether to go back to work or not
temperament is as important as attachment
temperament = child's genetically influenced personality
same babies are born more anxious than others
explains social behaviour rather than attachment
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