Affects of the ageing population


A Levels Sociology (Family and Households) Mind Map on Affects of the ageing population, created by dottydiva96 on 14/12/2013.
Mind Map by dottydiva96, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dottydiva96 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Affects of the ageing population
  1. Public services
    1. Older people consume a larger proportion of public services than younger generations
      1. Old Old - 75+
        1. Young Old - 65 - 74
          1. Increased expenditure in health
          2. One-person pensioner households
            1. Increased number of one-person households
              1. Account for 4% of households
                1. Most females as they live longer than men
                2. The dependency ratio
                  1. Non-working old are economically dependent
                    1. Working age have to pay for them (e.g. taxes)
                      1. Retired people rising increases the dependency ratio on working age
                        1. However, pension age increasing
                          1. Although increasing dependency ratio for older generation, decreasing burden because of less dependent children
                          2. Social construction of ageing as a 'problem'
                            1. Average age of the UK is increasing
                              1. Griffiths report on the care of the elderly saw society as facing a problem of meeting the escalating costs of heath and social care for the growing numbers of old people
                                1. Fears of how society will meet the cost of providing pensions
                                  1. Ageism - stereotype based on age
                                    1. Old portrayed as vulnerable, incompetent or irrational, a burden to society
                                      1. In traditional societies, elderly respected and revered
                                        1. Townsend says one reason for negative attitudes to the elderly is that our view has been socially constructed as a period of dependency by creating a statutory retirement age at which most people are expected to stop working and rely on inadequate benefits which drives many into poverty
                                        2. Policy implications
                                          1. Hirsch says that social policies and trends need to be put in place to tackle problems created by an ageing population
                                            1. Paying for the old - more taxes, longer hours
                                              1. Hirsch argues e have to reverse the current trend towards early retirement
                                                1. Do this by redistributing educational resources to elderly so they can continue to develop skills and earn
                                                2. Changing housing policy to encourage elderly to have smaller housing
                                                  1. Hirsch recognises these policies also need a cultural change in our attitudes
                                                    1. How we view old people is a social construct, not a biological fact
                                                    2. Ageing population a result of:
                                                      1. Increasing life expectancy
                                                        1. Declining infant mortality
                                                          1. Declining fertility
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