P1 Revision (continued)


Mind Map on P1 Revision (continued), created by olivia.jermy on 14/12/2013.
Mind Map by olivia.jermy, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by olivia.jermy almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

P1 Revision (continued)
  1. A spectrum of waves
    1. Transverse waves- travels in a direction at right angles to the water vibration
      1. Amplitude- the maximum displacement of a particle from its rest position
        1. Wavelength(m)- distance between two successive points on the wave
          1. Frequency(Hz)- number of complete waves passing a point in one second
            1. Crest- point of maximum displacement above the rest position
              1. Trough- maximum displacement below the rest position
                1. wave speed(m/s)= frequency x wavelength
                2. Electromagnetic spectrum
                  1. Radio waves- lowest frequency
                    1. All electromagnetic waves travel in straight lines through a particular medium
                      1. They can be reflected and refracted
                        1. (REFLECTION) When a ray of light hits a mirror the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection
                          1. (REFRACTION)When light passes from one medium into another at an angle to the boundary, it changes direction. This sometimes produces off effects at the boundary between two mediums
                            1. Some are used for communication
                              1. When a wave travels from one medium into another, the frequency of the incident wave does not change. The wavelength does because the speed of the wave changes. Electromagnetic waves slow down in a denser medium
                                1. When they are incident at an angle to the boundary, this change in speed causes the wave direction to change. This is known as refraction
                                  1. In communications the size of the receiver depends on the wavelength of the wave. The longer the wavelength, the longer the receiver needs to be
                                    1. When waves pass through an opening they spread out. This is known as diffraction
                                    2. Light and lasers
                                      1. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
                                        1. A laser produces a narrow intense beam of light of a single colour (monochromatic)
                                          1. Uses of lasers- Communication, dental treatment, weapon guidance, surgery, light shows and bar code readers
                                            1. Morse code- series of dots and dashes that represent individual letters in the alphabet. This is a digital signal. To cover large distances, the signals are relayed from one signal station to another
                                              1. Signals can be sent by light, electricity, radio waves or microwaves
                                                1. White light- made up of many different colours, each of a different frequency and out of phase
                                                  1. Light from a laser is at one frequency and in phase
                                                    1. Monochromatic- single colour from one frequency Coherent- in phase
                                                      1. A beam is a monochromatic coherent beam. The beam does not diverge very much
                                                        1. CD- series of fine pits. Pits represent a digital signal, the signal is read by a laser
                                                          1. The music layer is coated with a fine film of metal that follows the pits exactly. The shiny metal film reflects the laser light. The metal layer is covered by another layer of transparent plastic. The music is sandwiched between two layers of plastic. This stops dust and scratches from affecting the sound
                                                          2. Light can stay inside glass, Perspex and water. Denser than air, light reflected at the boundary between material and air (total internal reflection)
                                                            1. Optical fibres
                                                              1. Light, infra red radiation and laser beams can travel along a piece of solid glass. Every time the light meets the boundary with air, it is reflected back into the fibre
                                                                1. They're very flexible and the signals are coded and sent using laser light or infra red
                                                                  1. Transmit data at 200,000 km/s (speed of light in glass)
                                                                    1. Work because the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle and they have a coating around them to improve reflection
                                                                    2. Critical angle
                                                                      1. When light is passing through a more dense material to a less dense material the angle of refraction is greater than the angle of incidence. If the angle of incidence increases, it is possible that the angle of refraction could be a right angle. When this happens the angle of incidence is called the critical angle
                                                                        1. Total internal reflection
                                                                          1. If the angle of incidence is increased even more, the light is reflected back inside the more dense material
                                                                      2. Endoscopy
                                                                        1. Light passes along the outer fibres and lights up patient. The reflected light passes back along the inner fibres and the image is viewed through an eyepiece
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