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Criminal Courts
Unit 1 - English Legal System
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criminal courts
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Resource summary
Criminal Courts
After arrest a person can be released on bail at any point
Police may grant bail while they make further enquiries + if defendant has been charged
s.4 The Bail Act 1976
Custody officer grants bail (at the station)
Under s.38 PACE - amended by the Criminal Justice Act 1994
Bail can be refused if:
They have the potential to commit another crime
If they won't surrender to bail
If they may interfere w/ a witness
The safety of the defendant is at risk
They have previous serious convictions - under CJPO Act 1994
They have previously broken bail conditions
Adult drug user tested positive for class A dugs - under s.19 Criminal Justice Act 2003
Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 gave police power to impose bail conditions
Conditional bail
Report to police station at regular intervals
Reside at a specific address
Abide by curfew
Hand in passport
Wear an electronic tag
Things which must be considered:
Seriousness of offence
Previous convictions
Family ties
Job commitments
Complied with bail in the past?
Strength of evidence against them
If bail is refused then a further application can be made to the Crown Court
Defendant can also appeal
Types of offences
Summary Offence
Tried in Magistrates' Court
eg. driving w/o insurance, taking vehicle w/o consent, common assault
Triable Either Way Offence
Tried in Magistrates'/Crown Court
eg. theft, assault causing ABH, obtaining property by deception
Indictable Offence
Tried in Crown Court
Under s.51 Crime and Disorder Act 1998
eg. muder, manslaughter, rape, robbery
Magistrates' Court deals w/ about 97% of criminal cases
Magistrates' Court Clerk - legal advisers who guide on question of law, practice + procedure but doesn't make decisions
Summary Trials
Least serious offences
Criminal Justice Act 1991 set current fines
Level 1 - £200
Level 2 - £500
Level 3 - £1000
Level 4 - £2500
Level 5 - £5000
£20,000 for businesses
Max. 6 months for 1 offence
Triable Either Way Trials
Defendant asked if plead guilty or not guilty (plea before venue)
Yes - goes to Crown/Magstrates
No - mode of trial
Magistrates decide whether to accept jurisdiction
Decline - sent to Crown
Accept - defendant can elect place of trial
Three Tiers
First Tier
High Court + Crown Court
Separate judges for civil + criminal work
Deal w/ all categories of crime triable on indictment
Second Tier
Crown Court only
High Court judges sit here to hear criminal cases
All categories of crime triable on indictment
Third Tier
Only Circuit judges + Recorders
Most serious cases NOT tried here as there is no High Court judge
Criminal Appeals
Can be made to Crown/High Court
Appeal to Crown can be made against conviction or sentence
Only if defendant pleads not guilty
No jury
If appeal fails there is opportunity to appeal to High Court
Appeal to High Court can be to examine a point of law or procedure
High Court
CPS or defendant can appeal on point of law or by judicial review against the procedure or sentence
Case stated by written notice within 21 days - must state reason for appeal
Court of Appeal
Hears appeals from Crown + Magistrates
Appeals against conviction and sentence
Can QUASH decision, VARY length of sentence or order RETRIAL
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