Millenary Petition - 1603


History AS (Crown, Parliament and Authority) (James I) Mind Map on Millenary Petition - 1603, created by Katie Difford on 12/04/2013.
Katie Difford
Mind Map by Katie Difford, updated more than 1 year ago
Katie Difford
Created by Katie Difford over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Millenary Petition - 1603
  1. Beginning of James's reign
    1. Make things less of a "big deal"
      1. Called for an end to conformation, to the sign of the cross in baptism, to the ring and marriage and to the wearing of gowns by ministers
        1. Against a church run by bishops
          1. James was tactful at first and listened to their demands
            1. Arranged a meeting between Puritans and the Bishop
            2. Before Hampton Court Conference (1604), much of his sympathy had gone. More petitions had come in and James was worried about social disorder
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