Sherif Description


Psychology (Social Identity Theory) Mind Map on Sherif Description, created by pmfisher1996 on 12/04/2013.
Mind Map by pmfisher1996, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by pmfisher1996 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Sherif Description
  1. The aim was to test the idea that if you create and in- group/out-group situation and then creating conflict between them
    1. Prejudice will arise
    2. 22 boys stayed at the robber's cave state park camp in Oklahoma for 3 weeks and were randomly divided into 2 groups 'Rattlers' and 'Eagles'
      1. For the first week the groups did not know about eachother
        1. and when they discoered eachother, they felt that the other was invading their territory
        2. Conflict was then introduced by having a tournament which led to loyalty to the in group and hostility to the out group
          1. Each group thought the others were "sneaks, smart alecks and stinkers" whilst their own members were "brave, tough and friendly"
            1. Then Sherif organised superordinate goals where the boys had to work together to overcome problems
              1. Firstly the camp water supply failed, forcing them to cooperate to fix it getting on better in the process
                1. Secondly a truck got stuck in the mud and they all had to pull it out, forcing them to cooperate
                  1. In the hostility phase 93% had friends in their own group, however after the cooperation phase 30% had friends between the 2 groups
                    1. This shows the reduction in prejudice
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