Sab8#105_Powers of the Project Manager


Mind Map on Sab8#105_Powers of the Project Manager, created by paty_r_g on 09/02/2016.
Mind Map by paty_r_g, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by paty_r_g about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Sab8#105_Powers of the Project Manager
  1. Formal (Legitimate)
    1. Based in the position. When you assign work to someone who reports to you
    2. Reward
      1. Giving rewards. When you can award a bonus or another kind of reward in order to motivate team members
      2. Penalty (Coercive) Punishment
        1. Comes from the ability to penalize team members
        2. Expert
          1. Comes from being the technical or project management expert. The team respects you for your expertise in a specific area
          2. Referent
            1. Comes from another person liking you, respecting you, or wanting to be like you. It is the power of charisma and fame
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