Ansoff Matrix


Mind Map on Ansoff Matrix, created by ryanbest1996 on 18/12/2013.
Mind Map by ryanbest1996, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ryanbest1996 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Ansoff Matrix
  1. Market Penetration
    1. Developing or finding new products to take you your existing marktet(s)
      1. This is fine if there is plenty of market share to be had at the expense of your competitors
    2. Product Development
      1. Developing your sales of existing products to your existing markets
        1. This is an attractive strategy if you have strong market share in a particular market
      2. Market Development
        1. Developing new markets for your existing Products
          1. it helps you stay reasonably close to the markets you know and which know you
        2. Diversification
          1. Taking new Products into new markets.
            1. This is High risk - not only do you not know the products, but neither do you know the markets
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