
Mind Map on IPCC, created by clive.stevens1 on 13/04/2013.
Mind Map by clive.stevens1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by clive.stevens1 almost 12 years ago
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Resource summary

  1. Labour to abolish IPCC


    • Say Yvette Cooper - Shadow Home Secretarty at the Labour Part conference in October 2012
    1. Replace with police standards authority
    2. New chair - Dame Anne Owers
      1. No record of use of force
        1. Why not - we record stops
          1. Would help when investigating complaints
          2. Prisons do record it
        2. Good website for public access
          1. Reports are good but spelling mistake on one that is published
            1. Operation Rose
              1. Racist and derogatory comments By 3 officers from Volt
            2. John and Joan Stirland
              1. Commication between Nottingham and Lincolnshir


                • https://www.evernote.com/Home.action#st=p&n=7793b55e-6630-45dc-8d8b-10da01d033cc&t=6ef8dd25-a0b7-479c-888b-e8d64701c004
                1. Failure to provide sufficient intelignece re threat to Lincolnshire
                2. Failure to set terms of reference
                  1. SSenior management not always aware of significant intelligence
                  2. Referrals
                    1. Only investigate 130 of 2100 serious cases referred
                    2. 1/3 of complaints found ot be mishandled on appeal
                      1. Power to compel police officers to attend for interview
                        1. relationshiip with officers who will feel like accused not witness
                          1. Anticipate no comment interviews
                          2. Understand the need
                            1. Commissioner sought this change
                            2. Transfer of resource from PSD to IPCC
                              1. What would that look like
                              2. Need for public confidence
                                1. Work should be part of a virtuous circle
                                  1. HASC
                                    1. recommends diverting funds from police psd
                                      1. Woefully underequipped
                                        1. Neither the powers nor resources
                                          1. Should take on more investigations
                                            1. Critical of IPCC communication
                                              1. Change of name to Independent Policing Standards Authority
                                                1. What will impact on SI be?
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