River landforms


GCSE Geography (Rivers) Mind Map on River landforms, created by Emily Gibson on 22/12/2013.
Emily Gibson
Mind Map by Emily Gibson, updated more than 1 year ago
Emily Gibson
Created by Emily Gibson about 11 years ago

Resource summary

River landforms
  1. Erosional
    1. Waterfalls
      1. Softer rock is eroded more than the hard rock - creating 'step'
        1. Eventually creates steep drop
          1. Hard rock collapses as unsupported
            1. Plunge pool created by collapsed rock - swirls around and erodes bottom
      2. Gorges
        1. When a waterfall completely retreats
        2. Interlocking spurs
          1. Rivers aren't powerful enough to erode sideways
            1. Have to wind round hillsides
              1. Hillsides that interlock as river winds round them
        3. Erosional and depositional
          1. Meanders
            1. Current is faster on outside
              1. So more erosion
              2. Current is slower on inside
                1. So eroded material deposited
              3. Oxbow lake
                1. Outside bends get closer (erosion)
                  1. Only small bit of land left - neck
                  2. River breaks through
                    1. River flows along shortest route
                    2. Deposition cuts off the meander
                      1. Form from meanders
                    3. Depositional
                      1. Flood plains
                        1. Wide valley floor on ether side of river
                          1. When river floods it deposits eroded material
                            1. Builds up - makes it higher
                          2. Leeves
                            1. Natural embankments
                              1. Heaviest material deposited closest to river (dropped first)
                              2. Deltas
                                1. Material builds up forming low lying land
                                  1. Rivers slow down when meet sea or lake - deposit material
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