A balanced diet does a a lot to keep you healthy, it consists of you having
the right amount of carbs, fats, protein and fibre. Also the body needs
vitamins and minerals to keep the skin, bones, blood and everything else
Carbs help give you energy, fats keep you
warm and release energy; protein is for
growth, cell repair and cell replacement
Metabolic rate varies for everyone, they have different rates
between high and low. The lower means that you can eat and gin
weight lot easier than people who have a high metabolic rate
and eat a lot but don't gain the weight. This is due to the amount
of exercise you due. It goes up in exercise because your body
needs more energy.
The bigger built people generally
have a bigger metabolism because
they have more muscle to give
energy too, you have more cells.
Infectious disease (fighting
Pathogens (this is how
the body gets infected)
Pathogens- they are microorganisms that
cause disease. There are two main types of
pathogens which are bacteria and viruses.
Bacteria are very small living cells they
which reproduce rapidly inside your body
they make you feel ill by damaging your
cells and producing toxins.
Viruses infect your cells and
produce copies of themselves, the
cell they have invaded overtime
will then burst and release the
new viruses and the cell damage
will make you feel very ill
How does the
body defend
One way that the body defends itself is with things called
white blood cells, the white blood cells can produce
antibodies, antitoxins and ingest. All defend the body
against the pathogens. They get rid of the pathogens and
makes the body better again
To protect the body from future
infection is by a vaccination, this works
by mking a copy of pathogens and this is
a dead pathogen which is harmless to
the body but the body can find a way to
stop the future infection happening by
recognising them by shape. The body
will quickly produce the antibodies and
destroy the disease because it
The MMR vaccine is an example which cleverly contains weakened
versiois of measles, mumps and rubella and defends against all of
them in one.
Th nervous system
Detect Stimuli is to see
the body's behavior.
stimuli to
get the he
the word stimuli
means changes in
the environment
light etc
The change in
sound, light
The body has different receptors for
instance the skin has the skin surface
sensitive to touch, pressure, temperature
and also pain receptors, the ear has sound
and receptors that detect position. The eyes
have light receptors
Central nervous
system (the brain or
spinal cord)
The effectors are either a muscle or a
gland which react to the message of
the receptors and give out a response
They are a junction
between one nerve
and another
The sound receptor
in the ear
The sensory nerone
The central
system reacts
The Motor neurone
The effector reacts
Detect the
change in
This message is sent the the
central nervous system