Conflict Resolution


Mind Map on Conflict Resolution, created by Andres Felipe on 16/02/2016.
Andres Felipe
Mind Map by Andres Felipe, updated more than 1 year ago
Andres Felipe
Created by Andres Felipe almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Conflict Resolution
  1. How did the conflict start?
    1. a threatening message a joke , an insult and its maximum level are beating even this can lead to suicide victims himself
      1. As the conflict is resolved?
    2. Victims Feel
      1. Intimidation, humillation
        1. Feeling ignored
          1. whether as a matter of culture beliefs
            1. Customs , skin color , among others
            2. low self steem
              1. humillate
                1. me miss school
                  1. Intimidate me in many ways
                    1. Physically
                      1. Verbally
                        1. through messages
                          1. We have to value the person learning that we all have values that make us as people
                            1. Tolerance
                              1. Love
                                1. Friendship
                                  1. Respect
                                    1. Acceptance
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