ICT Task


Mind Map on ICT Task, created by wordsworthj on 07/01/2014.
Mind Map by wordsworthj, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by wordsworthj about 11 years ago

Resource summary

ICT Task
  1. Accounts
    1. Simple spreadsheet
      1. Till automatically files and records
      2. House style
        1. Same between both businesses
          1. Looks friendly and professional
            1. Timeless style decreases update requirement
            2. Locally sourced food
              1. If quality wasn't found local, would extend further
                1. Organic food
                2. Advertising
                  1. Launched with facebook advertising
                    1. No longer pay for advertising
                      1. Win awards for advertisement
                        1. Magazines "not worth paying for advertisement"
                        2. Website
                          1. Target females
                            1. Webiste "slightly confusing" with two different things for dining and cafe
                            2. Enviro friendly
                              1. Car chargers outside
                                1. uses 1 litre cubed of water per day
                                  1. uses thermal heating
                                    1. wood fire
                                  2. Location
                                    1. Seaside
                                      1. In a carpark
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