Sab9_99_Matrix RACI


Mind Map on Sab9_99_Matrix RACI, created by Jou M on 03/03/2016.
Jou M
Mind Map by Jou M, updated more than 1 year ago
Jou M
Created by Jou M over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Sab9_99_Matrix RACI
  1. Activities
    1. They are the tasks to be assigned to the actors to its realization
    2. Type of responsibilities (Roles)
      1. Responsibility to be assigned to the project stakeholders
        1. A= Accountable
          1. Who approves the project
          2. R= Responsable
            1. The person executing the project work
            2. C= Consultant
              1. They are experts in the field and is considerer their opinion
              2. I= Inform
                1. People must be updated
              3. Actors
                1. People who will be assigned as responsible for an activity or activities within the project
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