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The Nazi Economy (Jobs and Money)
Summary of Nazi economic policy
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old germany gcse not for yr11 from 2017 onwards
Mind Map by
Tom Lea
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Tom Lea
about 11 years ago
Resource summary
The Nazi Economy (Jobs and Money)
Economic Strategies
Schacht and the New Plan
Minister for the Economy 1933-1937
He was fired for speaking out against Hitler's plan to rearm Germany quickly
Success? Yes: Increased production by 50% Germany had a small trade surplus by 1935 NO: They still needed to trade with other countries
Wants to: Reduce unemployment
Wants to: Make Germany Self-sufficient
This is called AUTARKY
Want to be sure they can't be defeated in war
Goring and the Four Year Plan
Minister for the Economy 1936-1940
Aim: to Prepare Germany for war
Build up the Army
Wanted to be self sufficient in Rubber, Oil and Steel
Still rely on imports - tried to make coffee from acorns - it doesn't taste nice!
By 1939 they realised that it wasn't working - Invaded Poland to try and gain more resources
Develops a huge engineering works (The Hermann Goring Works)
Mining and Metal works
The focus on building weapons meant they didn't produce enough food
Led to food rationing e.g. Butter
Dealing with unemployment
When Hitler came to power in 1933 Unemployment was 6million. If Hitler was to maintain his popularity he was going to have to do something about this
Job Creation Schemes
Huge programme of 'public works'
Built motorways (autobahns)
created jobs
Improved transport of goods - makes trade easier
1936 Berlin Olympics
Subsidised private businesses
Volkswagen (People's Car)
Especially construction
National Labour Services (RAD)
Unmarried men between 18 and 25 forced to work
Jobs were mostly manual labour (working with your hands)
People didn't like it - not paid much - rubbish jobs - Only 10 days holiday a year
Building costal walls, draining marshes, building autobahns, tree planting
made a huge difference to the unemployment figures, also convinced people to marry
Created lots of jobs in munitions factories
Built tanks, ships, aircraft - spent billions
Coal, chemical production doubled, iron and steel production trebled
increased the army by 800,000 men
Invisible unemployment - How did the Nazi's cheat?
Sacked from jobs - tempted by marriage loans to stay at home
Forced out of jobs especially doctors, lawyers etc.
Sent to Concentration camps
Unmarried men
Had to join the National Labour Service
The Labour Front (DAF)
Replaced trade unions
Instead of just protecting the workers - it had representatives of employers and workers
Strength through Joy (KdF)
A way of keeping the workers happy - if they worked well they got rewards e.g tickets for the theatre even cruises
But... The best rewards were only ever given to leading Nazis
The Volkswagen Scheme
Volkswagen was produced to increase car ownership
They were cheap, workers could pay 5 Marks per week to pay off the car
However no one actually got a car using this scheme - the money went on the war effort
The Beauty of Labour (SdA)
Designed to keep people happy in their jobs
reduced noise of machines
Built canteens, swimming pools etc.
All improvements had to be made by the workers and done in their own free time
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