Biology - B3 - AQA - GCSE - Pollution


GCSE Science (Biology B3 GCSE) Mind Map on Biology - B3 - AQA - GCSE - Pollution, created by Josh Anderson on 07/03/2016.
Josh Anderson
Mind Map by Josh Anderson, updated more than 1 year ago
Josh Anderson
Created by Josh Anderson almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Biology - B3 - AQA - GCSE - Pollution
  1. Acid rain
    1. Direct damage
      1. Acid rain kills leaves and may destroy roots erodes buildings and statues. Huge problem across Europe and America.
      2. Indirect damage
        1. Seeps into lakes and other bodies of water, making them more acidic which kills all life in it - "Dead Lakes"
        2. Nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide - combines with water droplets and falls as acids rain.
        3. Global dimming
          1. Particulates form a barrier that blocks and reflects sunlight, preventing it from reaching the Earth. Less sunlight - colder. Less sunlight - affects photosynthesis - affects oxygen release and carbon dioxide intake.
            1. Certain animals will migrate for winter, but if the country is stuck in an eternal winter then these animals may never return. This could potentially upset the food chain for this area.
          2. Global warming
            1. Greenhouse Gases trap sunlight in the Earth, heating up the atmosphere. This can cause damage to the Earth - sea levels rise and flood low level countries. This can lead to more rain and more natural disasters.
            2. Water pollution
              1. Sewage
                1. Aesthetically unpleasing
                  1. Microorganisms decompose sewage in water, using oxygen for aerobic respiration. Other organisms may be unable to respire because of this.
                  2. Eutrophication
                    1. Fertilisers from farming seep into the ground and are washed away to rivers and streams. When they come to rest, plants in these bodies of water will experience extreme growth. Algae on the surface on the water will grow too, eventually to the point where it blocks all sunlight reaching the plants below. As a result of this, these plants beneath will die. Microorganisms (detritus feeders) will decompose the dead plant matter, respiring aerobically. Oxygen in the water will be replaced with carbon dioxide. This makes the water anoxic and acidic and organisms in the water will eventually die. The body of water is known as a 'dead lake' when this happens.
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