Religion and state


RE (YR11) Mind Map on Religion and state, created by jessica-gollop on 16/04/2013.
Mind Map by jessica-gollop, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jessica-gollop almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Religion and state
  1. Authority
    1. To have responsibility over others , being in charge.
      1. FAB: It may be God or a sacred book.
      2. Duty
        1. FAB: Being a good steward (taking care of the world)
          1. Having responsibility. Something you are expected to do.
          2. Justice
            1. When something is fair, when there is freedom and human rights.
              1. FAB: When people are treated equally as God made them.
              2. Human rights
                1. Being entitled to basic needs such as food and water.
                  1. FAB: Everyone deserves human rights, MLK protested for human rights.
                  2. Punishment
                    1. When you pay for your actions, inflicting pain or harm
                      1. FAB: God is the ultimate judge, he should do this.
                      2. Personal conviction
                        1. Having a strong personal belief, standing up for what you believe in.
                          1. FAB: They would do this in a non-violent way.
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