Codification of the UK Constituion


University Public Law Mind Map on Codification of the UK Constituion, created by chloe.crismani on 14/01/2014.
Mind Map by chloe.crismani, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by chloe.crismani about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Codification of the UK Constituion
  1. New Labour (post 1997)
    1. Legislative changes
      1. Devolution
        1. Most significant act to alter the constiution? Are there now three/ four constitutions in the UK?
          1. Limited? Important functions are still exercised by Whitehall and Westminster Parliament.
            1. Robinson v Secretary of State for Northern Ireland [2002]
              1. Duport Steel and others v Sirs and Others
              2. KILBRANDON REPORT 1991. Devolution can bedefined as involving the 'delegation of central govt powers without the relinquishment of sovereignty'.
                1. Is this applicable in 2014? No. It can only be sustainable if we rely on a simple view of sovereignty that disregards the EU.
          2. Human Rights Act 1998
            1. Groundwork for a written constitution?
              1. Judge LJ: ' The act is carefully drafted to ensure that the court cannot and must not strike down or dispense with any single item of primary legislation'.
                1. s.3. Interpretive Obligation
                  1. Allows the courts to interpret legislation to be compatible with ECHR, 'so far as possible to do so', the courts have understood this to give them a strong duty to read legislation so as to be ECHR compliant.
                  2. s.4. Declarations of Incompatability
                    1. Does not affect the validity, continuing operation or enforcement of the provision.
                2. Freedom of Information Act 2000
                  1. General right of access to info held by public authorities on request.
                    1. HM Treasury v Information Commissioner
                      1. Publication schemes must be approved by the information commissioner (s.19)
                        1. Govt is reluctant to leave the last word to the information commissioner, arguing that it would be 'profoundly undemocratic' to permit the commisioner to have the final say.
                          1. EXECUTIVE OVERRIDE
                            1. 2007; used to prevent the publication of two cabinet meetings in March 2003 (iraq war).
                              1. 2011-12; Letters of Prince Charles to govt. departments
                                1. Protected as confidential by convention. (BRAZIER)
                                  1. Or to be disclosed in public interest? ( Tomkins)
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