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Energy and efficiency
Mind Map on Energy and efficiency, created by Imran Z on 12/03/2016.
Mind Map by
Imran Z
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Imran Z
almost 9 years ago
Resource summary
Energy and efficiency
Conservation of energy
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred
When energy is transferred, only part of it may be usefully transferred --> the rest is wasted
Wasted energy is transferred to its surroundings, which become warmer --> wasted energy becomes more spread out --> less usefel
Sankey diagram
Shows useful and wasted forms of energy
Shows how efficient an appliance is
Efficiency = useful energy out/total energy in x 100%
Usefulness of electrical appliances
Electrical appliances transfer energy at the flick of a switch
You can calculate how much energy is transferred
E = P x t
Amount of energy transferred from the mains electricity (kWh and J)
You can calculate how much the appliance costs to run
Total cost of bill = no. of kWh used x cost per kWh (rate)
Power is the rate at which the object transfers energy
Cost effectiveness
Getting the best value for money
Payback time is the time it takes for an appliance/installation to pay for itself in terms of energy savings
Efficiency = useful power out/total power in x 100%
Input energy = useful energy + wasted energy
Forms of energy
Stored energies
Gravitational potential
A falling object transfers g.p. to kinetic energy
Elastic potential
Improving effiency
Friction (e.g. lubricating moving parts)
Electrical resistance (e.g. less resistant wires)
Noise due to vibrations (e.g. cut out noise)
Air resistance (e.g. streamline the shapes of moving objects)
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