Forms of Slave Resistance


A mind map showing slave resistance broken down into active and passive forms
Sharisse Crick
Mind Map by Sharisse Crick, updated more than 1 year ago
Sharisse Crick
Created by Sharisse Crick almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Forms of Slave Resistance
  1. Insurrectionary
    1. Poisioning the Master
      1. Sabotaging property and burning canefields
        1. Suicide
          1. Revolts/Rebellions
            1. Running away/Maroonage
              1. Infanticide
                1. Wounding the animals
                2. Non- Insurrectionary
                  1. Preserving African religion and culture
                    1. Malingering/Working slowly
                      1. Pretending not to understand the master's language
                        1. Prolonging Breast-feeding
                          1. Damaging crops and tools
                            1. Telling Lies
                              1. Faking illness/madness
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