evaluating dream


The strengths and weaknesses of dream analysis. the strengths are in green and the weaknesses in red.
Mind Map by allyranda, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by allyranda almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

evaluating dream
  1. hard-to-reach information
    1. improve your mental health
      1. talking cure
        1. the unconscious is unknown to the individual
        2. accepted by the client
          1. expensive so you would want it to work
            1. results make sence/accepted
              1. takes several sessions
              2. information directly from the client
                1. won't be secondary alaberation
                  1. comes straight from the client
                    1. if it is useful it could be used in a case study
                    2. interpretation
                      1. not valid data
                        1. a persons interpretation rather than real life
                          1. information might be affected subjectivly
                            1. dreams can be interpreted differently
                              1. might not be true or reliable
                            2. false memories
                              1. family members accused of something they didn't do
                                1. ethical issues
                                  1. distressing memories
                                    1. can be ethical if guidelines are followed
                                  2. family splits
                                    1. law suits
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