Higher Computing Science


Mind Map on Higher Computing Science, created by Chris Hulme on 14/03/2016.
Chris Hulme
Mind Map by Chris Hulme, updated more than 1 year ago
Chris Hulme
Created by Chris Hulme over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Higher Computing Science
  1. Languages and environments
    1. Low-Level
      1. Corresponds directly to a processor's instruction set
      2. High-Level
        1. Written in English
        2. Procedural
          1. Uses procedures, functions or sub-routines.
            1. Visual Basic
            2. Declarative
              1. Uses facts, rules and queries to interrogate the knowledge base
                1. {"item": "bread", "type": "wheat"}
                2. Object-Orientated
                  1. Uses classes
                3. Parameters
                    1. Formal - this refers to the variable name used within the subroutine to hold the data passed into it, for example, age.
                      1. Actual - this refers to the actual data that is passed into the subroutine, for example, 45.
                        1. Global - these variables can be used throughout a program at any point in the code
                          1. Local - the values stored in these variables exist within only one part of the code, usually within a subroutine
                        2. Methods of Testing
                          1. Dry Run - reading the code and predicting what will happen without actually running the code.
                            1. Trace Table - lists the variables in a program and tracks the values they store as the code is executed store as the code is executed.
                              1. Test Plan
                                1. Normal, Extreme, Exceptional
                                2. Beta Testing - final stage of testing involving community
                                3. Software Development Methodologies
                                  1. Rapid Application Development
                                    1. Involves building prototypes of parts of the software
                                      1. Easier to test
                                        1. Feedback early on
                                      2. Agile Methodologies
                                        1. Lack of emphasis on design and documentation
                                      3. Legal Implications
                                        1. Computer Misuse Act
                                          1. Unauthorised access of a computer
                                            1. Unauthorised access of a computer to commit further criminal offences
                                              1. Unauthorised altering of computer data
                                              2. Copyright, Designs and Patents Act
                                                1. Protect time, money and effort invested by content creators.
                                                2. The Communications ACt
                                                  1. Use other people's Wi-Fi broadband connections without permission
                                                    1. Offensive / upsetting messaging
                                                      1. Unauthorised interception of communications (e.g. phone hacking)
                                                      2. Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA)
                                                        1. Certain organisations can intercept data, access password protected data and carry out surveillance for the purposes of crime prevention.
                                                          1. Protects individuals' rights to privacy
                                                            1. The employers must notify employees if they want to intercept communications data
                                                          2. Processor Buses
                                                            1. Data Bus
                                                              1. Transfer data between main memory and the processor.
                                                                1. Two-way
                                                                2. Address Bus
                                                                  1. Specify the address of the memory location
                                                                    1. One-way
                                                                    2. Control Bus
                                                                      1. Read - Reads the contents of a memory location
                                                                        1. Write - Writes an item of data from the processor into a memory location
                                                                          1. Clock - sends a regular series of pulses into the processor to synchronise events.
                                                                            1. Reset - stop execution of current program and then to reboot
                                                                              1. Interrupt - peripheral devices, such as printers, can send a signal on the interrupt line into the processor when the require attention. This causes the processor to deal with the interrupting device.
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