Market Structures


Business Studies Mind Map on Market Structures, created by maddiemurchie23 on 17/04/2013.
Mind Map by maddiemurchie23, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by maddiemurchie23 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Market Structures
  1. Oligopoly
    1. Characteristics
      1. Few suppliers
        1. Concentration ratio e.g. 3 companies have 75% of the chocolate market
          1. High barriers of entry
            1. Inter-dependance which could lead to cozy competition but potential for price wars
              1. Non price competition
                1. Formal conclusion is illegal
                2. Example: Supermarkets
                  1. Strongly branded
                    1. High start up costs
                      1. 5/6 main ones
                        1. 80% of the market
                          1. Evidence they are very price competitive?
                            1. Charity work?
                          2. More examples: petrol, banking, cars, airplanes (bowing and airbus)
                          3. Monopoly
                            1. Characteristics
                              1. High prices
                                1. Very high barriers of entry
                                  1. Single supplier
                                    1. High market share
                                      1. Slack (bad service)
                                      2. Example: Hawkins (school uniform)
                                      3. Monopolistic Competition
                                        1. Same as perfect competition
                                          1. Differentiated products
                                          2. Example: Hairdressers
                                          3. Competitive (perfect competition)
                                            1. Characteristics
                                              1. Low barriers to entry
                                                1. Low prices
                                                  1. Many suppliers
                                                    1. Price competition
                                                      1. Homogenous products
                                                      2. Example: Taxi driver
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