Unit 1: Evolution of Language Didactics. Current Tendencies. The Communicative Approaches


Mapa Mental sobre Unit 1 , creado por c_e_gomez_f el 14/03/2016.
Carolina  Gómez
Mind Map by Carolina Gómez , updated more than 1 year ago
Carolina  Gómez
Created by Carolina Gómez almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 1: Evolution of Language Didactics. Current Tendencies. The Communicative Approaches
  1. 1. - Introduction, Justification and Relevance of the Topic.
    1. 2. - History and Evolution of the Methodological Trends in the TEFL
      1. The order given by Sargon of Akkad, 2850 BC...
        1. Grammar-translation method
          1. Romans: teacher-slaves
            1. Native Americans in Spain: Direct method
            2. 3. - Methodological Trends Today.
              1. Direct Method
                1. Started with those 6 indians taken to Spain...
              2. 4. - Communicative Approaches to the TE
                1. Cooperative learning
                  1. Natural approach
                  2. 5. - Conclusion and Teaching Implications
                    1. 6. - Bibliography
                      1. - Greenblatt, Stephen, Gen. Ed.: The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Norton, New York, 2012
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