

A-Levels Unnecessary Mind Map on Aristotle, created by TeenySweeney on 17/04/2013.
Mind Map by TeenySweeney, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by TeenySweeney almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Theory
    1. Four Causes
      1. MATERIAL: What something is made of.
        1. EFFICIENT: How something is made.
          1. FINAL: The TELOS of something; what it is made for.
            1. FORMAL: The characteristics of or design for something.
            2. The Prime Mover
              1. The only thing with no form
                1. Pure substance
                  1. The end to which all things are moving or aspiring to.
                    1. Like God
                      1. Cannot be prayed to. No relationship can be formed.
                  2. Criticisms
                    1. NO FINAL CAUSE: The forces of nature are 'blind', chaotic and ultimately purposeless.
                      1. NO SOUL: Do we need an actualizing force like the soul or is potential life and growth in humans is controlled by genetic makeup.
                        1. UNCERTAINTY: Aristotle's efficient cause may not apply on a sub-atomic level, where matter behaves differently and unpredictably.
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