Ecology and Religion


Human Ecology Mind Map on Ecology and Religion, created by rosiep on 16/01/2014.
Mind Map by rosiep, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rosiep over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Ecology and Religion
  1. Lynn White Jr essay - Judeo Christian tradition responsible for current environmental crisis
    1. Peter Singer: Practical Ethics, 1979
      1. The Western Tradition: culture/nature
        1. based on Hebrew & Greek traditions both make human beings center of the moral universe
          1. (Gen 1: 26 -30): let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl in the air, and over the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepth upon the earth
            1. Thomas Aquinas melded Christian and Greek traditions; Aristotle's theory that those with less reasoning ability exist for the sake of those with more
              1. Aquinas: no possibility of sinning against non human animals or the natural world; only against neighbor and God
                1. some gentler e.g. Francis of Assisi; but above dominant view
            2. debate of meaning of 'dominion'
              1. to look after in the name of God...?
                1. but biblical floods; 'And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth'; to act in a way that causes fear is not improper
                  1. 'Doth god care for oxen?' asked Paul; rhetorical; ofc not!
                  2. humans centered moral framework; nature has no intrinsic value
                    1. but does not rule out preservation for the sake of human benefit; couches conservation in terms of effect on humans
                      1. future generations argument
                  3. A Jewish Perspective: Tirosh - Samuelson, 2005
                    1. why is there a limited interest in environmentalism in Judaism?
                      1. 'saving the whales is not a Jewish issue' Conservative Rabbi; focus resources on securing Israel and future of Jewish people instead
                    2. desacrilization and instrumentalisation of nature >> 'burden of guilt'
                    3. Seyyed Hossein Nasr: 'crisis of values'; religions being the primary source of values are implicated for decisions re environment
                      1. Schama: Landscape & Memory
                        1. 'nature' as cultural construct
                          1. 'landscape is the work of the mind. Its scenery is built as much from strata of memory as from layers of rock'
                            1. the act of naming the 'wilderness' presupposes human presence; the wilderness does not locate or name itself
                              1. world = we see it as outside ourselves but it is only a representation of what we experience inside (Margritte, 1938)
                            2. religion as tool?
                              1. WWF conference 1986
                                1. 5 major world religions; expanded to 9
                                  1. teachings on how their religions were related to conservation
                                    1. held in Assisi
                                2. Prince Phillip: Alliance of Religions and Conservation
                                  1. emphase pro environmental aspects of religion
                                3. Confucianism: force for greener China?
                                  1. International Confucian Ecology Alliance est 2013
                                    1. working with Chinese gov to deliver 100 lectures on the subject
                                      1. creating model village of good practice
                                        1. annual Confucian festival of Qing Ming; 300 mil pilgrims; aim to tackle littering and burnt offerings
                                    2. almost completely eradicated in Cultural Revolution; recent revival; moral force
                                    3. Hambler - 2004
                                      1. utilitarian vs non utilitarian answers to 'why conserve?'
                                      2. demography
                                        1. population growth huge strain
                                          1. 'go forth and multiply' Judaism pronataist; Christianity pronatalist (monks, nuns, no sex outside of marriage, no contraception)
                                            1. ARTs
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