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Political Parties -1906


History (Britain) Mind Map on Political Parties -1906, created by Chloe_White on 17/04/2013.
Mind Map by Chloe_White, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Chloe_White almost 12 years ago
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Resource summary

Political Parties -1906
  1. Conservatives
    1. In 1886 Liberals were split over Home Rule for Ireland, those who were against it joined the conservatives who were now known as the Unions.
      1. Typical Party Members; Great Landowners Church of England Big Business Me
        1. More Working Class Support by 1900 as More Conservative MP's had backgrounds in industry, trade and the professions
          1. Exploited Liberal split to gain votes
            1. Introduced some reforms to humour the Liberal Unionists - Free elementary schooling 1891 - Elected County Councils 1888
              1. Using Unionist majority to frustrate programme - Blocked Gladstone's renewed attempt to bring in Home Rule for Ireland when Liberals were in power 1892 and 1895
                1. Primrose League - Lower Middle Class Workers grew and aspired to be prperty owners Primrose League allowed lower classes to have roles in politics and mix with upper classes
                  1. Patriotism and pride in Empire
                  2. Labour
                    1. Represented Trade Unions and Working Class
                      1. Few seats before 1892; Few voted into parliament Those who were sat with Liberals and were known as Lib-Labs
                        1. Keir Hardie, first Labour MP
                        2. Labour Representation Committee; Won 2 seats in 1900 Breakthrough winning 29 seats in 1906
                          1. Changed name to Labour Party after break-through
                          2. Limited Party Funding
                            1. Not really a party to begin with...Group of Trade Unions and Socialist Organisations rather than a party More of a Pressure Group
                              1. Once changed to Labour Party, began to grow; 2 MPS in 1900 to 42 MPs in December 1910 but still overshadowed by the Liberals until 1914
                              2. Liberals
                                1. Typical Members; Whig Aristocrats Middle Classes Nonconformists Radical Working Men
                                  1. Multiple divisions in the Party - Primarily over Home Rule Further Division over Empire Later on division over Boar War
                                    1. Supported Free Trade
                                      1. Supported Laissez-faire
                                        1. Promoted education Defending the rights and freedom of the individual Pressuring the ruling class to lessen the effects of priviledge
                                        2. Irish Nationalists
                                          1. Promoted Home Rule
                                            1. Support was predominantly Catholics
                                            2. 80 MPS in Parliament
                                              1. Division in Party....1891 Charles Stewart Parnell passed away which divided the party and caused a long leadership struggle The new leader 1900 was John Redmond
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