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The biosphere
5 de octubre de 2015 Biology and Geology Mind Map on The biosphere, created by Benito Román Guerrero Blanco on 17/03/2016.
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biology and geology
5 de octubre de 2015
Mind Map by
Benito Román Guerrero Blanco
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Benito Román Guerrero Blanco
almost 9 years ago
Resource summary
The biosphere
Who´s eating who?
FOOD CHAIN (cadena alimenticia)
Food chain always starts with the producers.
PRODUCERS: Plants and algae. They make their own food throgh photosynthesis.
The main source of energy for plants is the Sun.
CONSUMERS: Primary, secondary and tertiary. All animals are consumers.
Primary: Hervibores and omnivores (rabbits and grasshoppers)
Secondary: Carnivores and omnivores (foxes and toads)
Tertiary: Carnivores and omnivores (snakes and hawks)
DECOMPOSERS: Fungi and bacteria.
FOOD WEB (red de alimentación)
Most living things are part of more than one food chain.
The connected food chains make up a food web.
Every organism needs food, which provides ENERGY to live
The movement of this energy can be represented through FOOD CHAINS and FOOD WEBS.
The loss of biodiversty
Causes and effects
There are natural causes but humans are responsible for most recent loss of biodiversity in the world.
Climate change, pollution, hunting, over-exploiting resources, alteration of habitats.
Protecting biodiversity
ENDANGERED SPECIES. Species in danger of extintion.
National parks and biospheres reserves are created to protect wildlife and its environment.
The Iberian Lynx and Iberian imperial eagle are endangered species .
EXTINCT SPECIES. It occurs when a species is lost because every single menber dies.
Biodiversity is important for a healthy planet Earth and has a direct impact in our lives.
Types of relationships between organisms of different species
Predation (depredación)
An animal captures, kills and eats other animals of a different species.
Parasitism (parasitismo)
One organism benefits while the other organism is hurt.
Commensalism (comensalismo)
A relationship which benefits one organism and doesn´t harm or benefit the other.
Mutualism (mutualismo)
A relationship between two organisms which benefit both of them
Global ecosystem which contains all other ecosystems.
Types of relationships between organisms of the same species
Cooperation (cooperación)
Family groups. Stable groups cared for by mothers and parents during the first years of life.
Hierarchical communities. Ants, termites and bees live in organised societieswith different roles: workers, drones and queen.
Gregarious species. Animals which live in groups toprotect themselves againts predators. Fish, birds or cattle (herds...).
Competition (competición)
Two males of the same specie compete for a female.
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