Enzymes lower the activation energy of metabolic reactions
Reactions can take place at lower temperatures
E.g/ 37 degrees - Body temperature
Faster Rate of
Substrate fits into enzymes active site = ENZYME-SUBSTRATE COMPLEX formed
1) If two substrate molecules need to be joined,
being attached to enzyme holds them close
together, reducing repulsion so they can bond more
2) If the enzyme is catalysing a breakdown
reaction, fitting into the active site puts a
strain on bonds in the substrate so the
substrate molecules breaks up more easily
The Lock and Key model
Each enzyme has a specifically shaped active site, where only one shape of substrate fits perfectly, like a key in a lock.
The Induced Fit Model
Substrate doesn't perfectly fit active site
Substrate makes the active site change shape so the substrate can interact with the enzyme
Enzyme can 'mould' itself around the substrate which is why it is very SPECIFIC
When enzyme fits around substrate, strain is put on the
substrate and a paticular bond or bonds in the substrate and
lowers the activation energy needed to break the bond
Enzyme Properties relate to their Tertiary Structure
Enzymes are very specific as they only catalyse one reaction. E.g/ Sucrase only breaks down sucrose
This is because its the tertiary structure (which is determined by the primary
structure) that determines the shape of the active site!
Different Enzyme = Different tertiary structure = Different active site shape
If tertiary structure changed in any way, shape of
active site will also change