CONFLICT in Romeo and Juliet


Exploring conflict as both a concept and a theme in the play
Shannon Cripps
Mind Map by Shannon Cripps, updated more than 1 year ago
Shannon Cripps
Created by Shannon Cripps over 8 years ago

Resource summary

CONFLICT in Romeo and Juliet
  1. Definition 1. Noun: a serious disagreement or argument
    1. Eg: The feud between the Capulets and the Montagues
      1. Impacts on:
        1. the citizens of Verona
          1. Romeo and Juliet
        2. SYNONYMS:
          1. dispute
            1. quarrel
              1. feud
                1. disagreement
                  1. discord
                    1. antagonism
                      1. friction
                        1. strife
                          1. hostility
                            1. schism
                              1. a fight
                            2. Definition 2. Verb: to be incompatible or at a variance; to clash
                              1. SYNONYMS:
                                1. clash
                                  1. be incompatible
                                    1. be in opposition
                                      1. differ
                                        1. disagree
                                          1. contrast
                                            1. collide
                                              1. antithecal
                                                1. discordant
                                                  1. to fight
                                                  2. Eg: Violence
                                                    1. Eg: Tybalt and Romeo
                                                      1. Tybalt and Mercutio
                                                  3. Results in
                                                    1. HATRED
                                                      1. DEATH
                                                        1. Struggle for POWER
                                                          1. Struggle for CONTROL
                                                          2. Familial Conflict
                                                            1. Juliet and Capulet / her father
                                                            2. Internal Conflict
                                                              1. Romeo
                                                                1. Juliet
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