Growing Up in a Consumer Society


Mind Map on Growing Up in a Consumer Society, created by Fiona Fan on 18/04/2013.
Fiona  Fan
Mind Map by Fiona Fan, updated more than 1 year ago
Fiona  Fan
Created by Fiona Fan over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Growing Up in a Consumer Society
  1. Growing
    1. become larger and greater over a period of time
      1. 7 periods in the poem
      2. toward the sky or a higher positioning
      3. Up
        1. Consumer
          1. to destroy expand by use
            1. orgin:middle english sub+emerre to take,buy
            2. Society
              1. body of people living as community
              2. yearn
                1. to have strong desire
                  1. feel pity
                    1. have a intense feeling of loss or lack
                      1. to be moved or attracted
                      2. learn
                        1. acquire knowledge/question
                          1. memorize
                          2. earn
                            1. to gain money profit
                              1. deserve or be worth
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