Motivation: Factors that inspire an
employee to complete a work task.
Job Design: Changing the nature of a
job role to increase
motivation/reduce desatisfaction.
Empowerment: Giving employees the
power to do their job: trust, authority -
decisions & encouraging feedback.
Job Rotation: Varying an employees job
on a regular basis.
Job Enlargement: Expanding the number
of tasks completed by employee.
Job Enrichment: Increasing Level of
responsibility within a job, making it
more challenging but rewarding.
Hygiene Factors: 'Herzburg': Pay levels,
work conditions = Dissatisfaction. But,
even if they're adequate, they won't
Motivators: 'Herzburg': Factors leading to
motivation! e.g. recognition, achievement
& responsibility.
Quality: How well the work is done:
Quantity: Productivity on each
employee/Output per person: Units per
person-same pay?
Monetary Rewards
Price Rate - Pay by units: A: Increases output per person. D: Quality may
Commission - Based on sales: A: Increased sales, leads to revenue. D: Tempting to use unethical techniques.
Fringe Benefits - Car, Medical Insurance etc. A: Often valued more than a wage. D: Long-term Commitment.
Profit sharing scheme: Profit to employees: A: Employees see their efforts/encourages
teamwork. D: Some don't work as hard for same benefit = Divisive.
Quality related bonus: Contribution based on standards. A:
Highest standards produced. D: Difficult to judge in service sector.
Job Enrichment: A: Employees text
& develop managerial skills. D:
Higher training costs& difficult
balancing work responsibility.
Empowering Employees
Adv.: Enhance
motivation, increase
commitment, team
spirit& free's senior
management time. /
Dis: Training &
education in decision
making, role of
manager becomes
less clear,
effectiveness of
employee varies.
Adv: More satisfaction on
completion, higher
productivity, lean skills
from others, easier
problem solving,
responsibility to team. /
Dis: Productivity falls to
weakest member, more
those with potential may
be overlooked, team
success over business.
Taylor: Everyone works for
money = Piece rate
Mayo: People work if thy feel
valued = social interaction.
Maslow: Hierarchy of needs,
suggested: we work up the
hierarchy: physiological
needs, safety, social, esteem
& self-actualisation.
Herzburg: Hygiene
factors & motivators.
Developing an Effective
Key Terminology:
Recruitment & Selection Process: How a
business chooses the best candidate.
Job Description: Summary of main duties
associated in the role.
Person Specification: Identifies the skills,
knowledge & experience a successful
applicant will have.
Internal Recruitment: Candidates selected
from inside the organisation.
External Recruitment: Candidates selected
from outside the organisation.
Methods of Selection: How businesses
recruits the best candidate for a vacancy.
Can be internal or external. Dependent on
time, budge & skill.
Training: Giving employees the knowledge,
skills & techniques to fulfil requirements.
Induction Training: Initial preparation for a
post. Good to give skills from experienced
Off-the-job Training: Away from place of
work. e.g. College/Training Centre.
On-the-job Training: Learning on the job,
under guidance of experienced staff.
The Recruitment
Job Description
Job Titile
Person Specification
Job Specified
Why Job
Vacancies Occur
Int: Promotion/Transfer
Ad: Cheaper/Ltd. time to
complete/motivate employees. / Dis.
Another vacancy to be filled/ideas
generation may stagnate.
Ad. Bigger Choice =Better chance to match
specification & more ideas. / Dis. Expensive &
Time Consuming - Induction training required.
Can R&S improve
Audit of skills needed to make
specification & description, enabling
them to find the right person. If this is
too vague/misleading, dissatisfaction &
frustration for employer & employee.
The Selection Process
Methods of Selection
Work Samples
Peer Assessments
Assessment Centre
Psychometric Tests
Factors to Consider
OFF THE JOB: Ad. Specialist staff &
facilities/employees focus on training & not
work distracted/Mix with businesses =
support. / Dis. Employee needs learn
motivation/may not be directly
relevant/Costs:transport,course,exams, etc.
ON THE JOB: Ad. Direct
confidence/easier for
managers to assess
as learning/more cost
effective. / Dis. Requires skill &
knowledge/Trainer-Bad Habits.
Workforce Performance: Methods of measuring
effectiveness of employees, inc. labour
productivity, staff turnover & absenteeism.
Labour Turnover: % of total workforce who
leave in a year.
Labour Productivity: Output per employee over
given time period.
Absenteeism: No. of working days lost as a
result of absent employees.
Labour Turnover
'Classified into 2 types': 1. Voluntary:
Employee leaves for personal
reasons. 2. Involuntary: Referring to
dismissal or redundancy.
Labour Productivity
'Commonly measured by': 1.
Output per employee (See LP
formula). 2. Labour cost per
unit of output & UK
Productivity (See Formulas).
We calculate productivity because...
1. A business must ensure they are
using resources efficiently. 2. If
output per employee is falling,
these is room for efficiency.
High rising absenteeism represents costs = It should be
investigated. (See Formula).
Key Terminology
Organisational Structure: The way jobs,
responsibilities & power are organised in a
Organisational Chart: Diagram showing job titles,
line of responsibility & communication
Lines of Hierarchy: No. of layers of management
& supervision existing in a business.
Chains of Command: Lines of authority in a
Lines of Communication: How information is
based up, down & access an organisation.
Span of Control: No. of subordinates, one
job/post-holder is responsible for.
Workload: How much work
one-employee/team/department have to
complete in a given time.
Job Role: Tasks involved in a particular role.
Delegation: Passing authority to make specific
decisions further down the hierarchy.
Communication Flows: How information is
passed around an organisation. e.g. downwards,
upwards, sideways or through the grapevine.
Workforce Role: The tasks involved in a particular
level or grade of job within an organisation.
Organisational Chart
Features: Responsibility/Authority - Decision Making,
Job titles/roles & persons name, Lines of authority -
employees accountable for & responsible for, Lines of
communication through business.
Owners must take account for:
Business Environment (Commutative
market/costs/up-to-date? etc.), Skills
of Employees (Small no./highly
trained Vs. larger no.-unskilled),
Culture of Organisation (Market
share from originality/design).
Key Elements: 1. Levels
of Hierarchy. 2. Span of
Control. 3. Work
Load/Allocation. 4.
Delegation. 5.
Communication Flows.
Improving OS to
Cutting Overheads /
Revising Workloads /
Growth of Business /
Responding to Market
Conditions / Ownership
Changes / Customer
Needs / Entrepreneurial