Dulce Et Decorum Est


Higher Level English Mind Map on Dulce Et Decorum Est, created by Catherine Joy on 04/04/2016.
Catherine Joy
Mind Map by Catherine Joy, updated more than 1 year ago
Catherine Joy
Created by Catherine Joy almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Dulce Et Decorum Est
  1. Theme
    1. Horrors of War
      1. Anti- war poem
      2. Sound
        1. Alliteration- “Men marched asleep”
          1. Alliteration- "watch the white eyes writhing in his face"
            1. Onomatopoeia- “choking”
              1. Onomatopoeia- “drowning”
              2. Tone
                1. Bitter tone
                  1. Sarcastic- "Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori."
                  2. P. O. V
                    1. Poet's own experiences with war and how futile it really is.
                    2. Imagery
                      1. Metaphor- "dim, through misty panes and thick green light"
                        1. Simile- " bent double like old beggars"
                          1. Simile- "Coughing like hags"
                            1. Simile- "His hanging face, like a devil's sick"
                            2. Language
                              1. Hyperbole- “drunk with fatigue”
                                1. Hyperbole- “ecstasy of fumbling”
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