

Bio 235 Mind Map on Cardiovascular, created by Susy Sanchez on 19/04/2013.
Susy Sanchez
Mind Map by Susy Sanchez, updated more than 1 year ago
Susy Sanchez
Created by Susy Sanchez over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Blood Vessels
    1. Arterioles
      1. Arteries
        1. Oxygen Rich Blood
          1. Stores pressure produced by ventricles & released via elastic recoil
            1. Carry blood away from heart
              1. Lg Arteries
                1. Aorta and pulmonary trunk
                  1. Elastic fibers
                    1. Expand with blood pressure
                      1. Recoil with relaxation
                2. Vascular resistance
                  1. Regulate flow
            2. Oxygen Rich Blood
              1. Vascular Resistance, Regulate flow
                1. Highest % of smooth muscle
                  1. Diameter adjust with BP
                    1. reduced BF allows for efficient gas exchange at capillaries
                      1. Smallest arterioles regulate blood pressure
            3. Capillaries
              1. smallest blood vessels
                1. Endothelial cell thick
                  1. Slow smooth muscle flow
                    1. Gas exchange
                2. Types of capillaries
                  1. Continuous
                    1. Endothelial cells tight joined
                      1. Found:Muscle lungs
                    2. Fenestrated
                      1. Wide intercellular pores
                        1. Found:kidneys,intestines
                      2. Discontinuous
                        1. Sinusoidal
                          1. Large leaky
                            1. found in spleen, bone marrow
                        2. Fluid Exchange
                          1. Bulk Flow
                            1. Absoprion
                              1. fluid movement into capillaries
                                1. At venous end
                                  1. wastes fluid back to the capillaries
                              2. Mass movement as a result of:
                                1. Hydrostatic pressure
                                  1. Osmotic pressure
                                    1. determines what comes in & out
                              3. Filtration
                                1. Movement out of capillaries
                                  1. caused by hydrostatic Pressure
                                    1. at Arterial end
                                      1. Stuff moving out
                              4. Metarterioles
                                1. Short vessel
                                  1. Links arterioles & capillaries
                                    1. Individual muscle cells
                                      1. Placed short distance apart
                                        1. each forms capillary sphincter
                                2. Routes of Transport
                                  1. Phospholipid bilayer
                                    1. Intr. capillary clefts
                                      1. Fenestrations
                                        1. Pinocytotic
                                          1. vesicles lg,molecules
                                          2. small H2O soluble
                                          3. small-H2O soluble
                                          4. lipid-soluble molecule
                                      2. Veins
                                        1. Oxygen poor blood
                                          1. More numerous
                                            1. Large diameters
                                              1. Hold more than 50% of blood
                                                1. Carry blood to the heart
                                                  1. Very compliant
                                                    1. Little smooth muscle or elastin
                                                      1. Contain very low pressure
                                                        1. Insufficient to return blood to the heart
                                                          1. Low pressure requires special adaptations
                                                            1. Skeletal muscle pump
                                                              1. Muscle press against veins
                                                              2. Respiratory Pump
                                                                1. Sucking effect
                                                                  1. Inspiration results in:
                                                                    1. increases blood volume
                                                                      1. increased arterial pressure
                                                                        1. = decreased in arterial presure
                                                                  2. One way valves
                                                                    1. Venous valves
                                            2. Measurement of Blood Pressure
                                              1. 120/80
                                                1. Systolic/Diastolic
                                                  1. BP in artery
                                                    1. Constrict arteries to stop flow
                                                      1. Open valves
                                                        1. Allows arteries to open
                                                          1. blood hits walls
                                                            1. Thumping sound
                                                              1. =Systolic Pressure
                                                          2. Don't hear anything?
                                                            1. =Diastolic Pressure
                                                    2. MAP
                                                      1. Function of CO and resistance
                                                        1. MAP=CO X R
                                                        2. Control of BP
                                                          1. Baroreceptors
                                                            1. responsible to increase BP
                                                              1. response to orthostatic Hypertension
                                                                1. Low BP
                                                              2. Sense pressure change
                                                                1. Found in
                                                                  1. Aorta
                                                                    1. Vagus nerve
                                                                    2. Carotid Artery
                                                                      1. Medulla
                                                                        1. Glassopharyngeal
                                                              3. What cause heart attack
                                                                1. Coronary artery
                                                                  1. are blocked
                                                                    1. No blood supply
                                                                  2. Tissues dies
                                                                    1. No nutrients or O2
                                                                  3. Artherosclerosis
                                                                    1. Inflammatory reaction
                                                                      1. tear in arterial wall
                                                                        1. Recruitment of clotting factors and leukocytes
                                                                          1. Production of Proinflammatory cytokines
                                                                            1. CPR
                                                                              1. Adhesion of cholesterol
                                                                      2. Hemostasis
                                                                        1. Damaged Endothelium
                                                                          1. Platelets bind to collagen
                                                                            1. Platelets release eeaction
                                                                              1. PRR
                                                                                1. ADP
                                                                                  1. Serotonin
                                                                                    1. Thromboxane
                                                                                      1. sends signal for more platelets
                                                                                      2. Vasoconstrics
                                                                                      3. Sticky
                                                                                    2. Result
                                                                                      1. Vasoconstriction
                                                                                        1. Platelet chemotaxis
                                                                                          1. Sticky platelets
                                                                                    3. not making VMF
                                                                                  2. Healthy Endothelium
                                                                                    1. Platelets dont stick
                                                                                      1. Platelets produce
                                                                                        1. Prostacyclin
                                                                                          1. NO
                                                                                            1. CD39
                                                                                          2. ADP-AMP
                                                                                            1. Inhibits platelets aggregation
                                                                                              1. promotes vasodilatation
                                                                                    2. Platelet Aggregation
                                                                                      1. 1. Sticky Platelet attached to collagen
                                                                                        1. 2.triggered another platelet to release reaction
                                                                                          1. 3. Platelet adhere to platelet
                                                                                            1. RESULT
                                                                                              1. Platelet Plug (sea)
                                                                                      2. Clot Dissolution
                                                                                        1. Vessel is repaired
                                                                                          1. Kallikrein, UPA, and TPA convert plasminogen into plasmin
                                                                                            1. Plasmin dissolves clot by digestion of fibrin
                                                                                        2. Clotting disorders
                                                                                          1. VWD
                                                                                            1. insufficient amount of VWF
                                                                                              1. Failure of platelet adhesion
                                                                                                1. Most common bleeding disorder
                                                                                            2. Hemophilia
                                                                                              1. Lack of clotting factors VII or Vx
                                                                                                1. X-linked gene
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