The Alveoli- Efficiency of Gas Exchange


Mind Map on The Alveoli- Efficiency of Gas Exchange, created by ferrarijunkie on 19/04/2013.
Mind Map by ferrarijunkie, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ferrarijunkie over 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Alveoli- Efficiency of Gas Exchange
  1. Alveoli provide a large surface are for Gas Exchange
    1. The spherical shape of each alveoli provides a large SA:VOL ratio for diffusion
      1. The walls of alveoli and surrounding blood capilaries are in close contact
        1. This provides a short diffusion pathway for gas exchange
        2. The walls of alveoli and capilaries are ine cell thick
          1. Therfore, Short diffusion pathway
          2. Steep conc. gradient maintained between blood and alveous air to allow continuous gas exchange
            1. There is a most lining for gases to dissolve in
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