Religous attitudes to the elderly and death


Mind Map on Religous attitudes to the elderly and death, created by joshburrowes on 20/04/2013.
Mind Map by joshburrowes, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by joshburrowes over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Religous attitudes to the elderly and death
  1. Sanctity of life
    1. This is the idea that life is pecial
      1. life believed to be sacred
        1. gift from God
        2. Buddhism & Hinduism
          1. life is special because its the way to enlightenment
      2. quality of life
        1. This is the description of how good someones life is
          1. how easy it is for them to live
            1. how well off they are
            2. giving someone a good life
              1. most basic teaching of all religions
              2. " treat others as you would want to be treated
              3. Getting old
                1. getting old is part of life
                  1. age of retirement
                    1. no longer working for a living
                      1. benefits
                      2. 65 years of age and over
                      3. life expectancy increased
                      4. Caring for the elderly
                        1. hospices
                          1. places where the elderly can live and be cared for medicaly
                          2. care homes
                            1. places where the elderly can feel comfortable before death
                            2. relatives
                              1. maybe if a family is less wealthy they would need to look after their relatives themselves
                              2. health care systems
                                1. nurses are sent to elderly housholds and act as live in carers
                                  1. this occurs usually when the person doesnt want to leave their hom or when they are unable
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