2.Managers are the stakeholder
group that determines which goals
an organization should pursue.
B.What Behaviors Are Ethical?
2.Ethical issues are difficult when
the manager’s decision is not
governed by legal
1.Manager balance or apportion harms
and benefits among stakeholder
3.Managers face many ethical choices.
C.Why Would Managers Behave Unethically toward Other Stakeholders?
Unethical behavior is behavior that falls outside the bounds of accepted standards
D.Why Should Managers Behave Ethically?
1.Managers and other stakeholders must strongly resist
pressures to behave unethically and to ignore widely
accepted societal standards and values because of the
harm that unethical behavior inflicts on others.
E. Sources of an Organization’s Code of Ethics.
1.Societal ethics are standards that govern
how members of a society deal with each
other in matters involving issues such as
fairness, justice, poverty, and the rights of
the individual.
2.Professional ethics are standards that
govern how members of a profession,
managers or workers make decisions
3.Individual ethics are personal values
(both terminal and instrumental) and
attitudes that govern how individual
interact with other people