

High School Diploma Geography - JC Mind Map on Quartzite, created by aileen Mc on 03/02/2014.
aileen Mc
Mind Map by aileen Mc, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
aileen Mc
Created by aileen Mc over 10 years ago
aileen Mc
Copied by aileen Mc over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Location
    1. Tops of Mountains
      1. Croagh Patrick / Sugar Loaf / Mt. Errigal
        1. Mayo / Wicklow / Donegal
    2. Colour
      1. Redish Colour
      2. Uses
        1. Road Surfaces
        2. Formation
          1. Heat & Pressure
            1. Sandstone
          2. Texture
            1. Hard & Crystalline
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