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Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
GCSE History (Race Relations) Mind Map on Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, created by Benedict Williams on 25/04/2016.
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race relations
Mind Map by
Benedict Williams
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Benedict Williams
over 8 years ago
Resource summary
Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks was deeply active in the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) and the Montgomery Improvement Association
Fired from job at the department store where she worked immediately
Agreed to be NAACP's test case
Husband died in 1977
After that, founded a self-development institute
Offered Summer schools called 'Pathways to Freedom'
Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom
'The Spark'
1st December 1955
Rosa Parks was going home on the bus as usual when, as the bus was full, she sat in the white only section.
She was asked to move, but she refused, and was arrested for breaking the Bus Segregation Law
4 days later, she was convicted and fined
The Boycott
To boycott is to withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest.
Originally one-day boycott, but extended into a longer boycott.
Known as the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Black Americans walked or carpooled to work or to get to places
Bus companies lost money
White Americans fought back
Martin Luther King arrested and fined for speeding
Jan 1956
People waiting for lifts and carpool drivers were arrested
MLK's house was bombed, but boycott continued
Further on...
For next 12 months...
17,000+ Black Americans in Montgomery refused to use buses
Within one week, set up carpools. At one point, 200+ vehicles carpooling
Mostly set up by local churches
Boycott dragged on, until US Supreme Court made bus segregation illegal
New law began on 20th December 1956
June 1956
Two federal judges ruled that the segregation law was unconstitutional.
US Supreme Court agreed, and made illegal one month later
First major victory of Civil Rights Movement
Rosa Parks became target for racists, and so ran away to Detroit in 1957. She continued working for the NAACP
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