facts about business


GCSE Business studies Mind Map on facts about business, created by kyle jones on 28/04/2016.
kyle jones
Mind Map by kyle jones, updated more than 1 year ago
kyle jones
Created by kyle jones over 8 years ago

Resource summary

facts about business
  1. to congractulat people
    1. a dog
      1. day off
        1. food
          1. promotion
            1. a phone
            2. laws
              1. Consumer protection act 1998
                1. Sale of goods act Supply of goods and services 2015
                  1. Competition act 1998
                    1. Consumer protection distance selling 2000
                      1. Consumer protection from unfair trading regulation 2008
                      2. how to treat custmers
                        1. do not be rude
                          1. to be nice
                            1. good customer service
                              1. bad customer service
                                1. rude
                                  1. what can happen
                                    1. loss of customers
                                      1. less and less money
                                        1. bad word of mouth
                                      2. ignore
                                        1. don't help them
                                        2. don't ignore them
                                          1. what can happen
                                            1. more custmores
                                              1. more product
                                                1. good word of mouth
                                              2. help them if they need it
                                                1. be polite
                                                2. the 4 ps
                                                  1. Price
                                                    1. product
                                                      1. Place
                                                        1. Promotions
                                                          1. what is profit
                                                            1. sales - cost
                                                              1. what is Cash flow forecast
                                                                1. is flow of cash in and out of a business Profit how much you make
                                                                  1. sole trader
                                                                    1. a person who is the exclusive owner of a business, entitled to keep all profits after tax has been paid but liable for all losses.
                                                                      1. partner ships
                                                                        1. A legal form of business operation between two or more individuals who share management and profits
                                                                          1. methods of production
                                                                            1. flow
                                                                              1. Flow production where identical, standardised items are produced on an assembly line. Most cars are mass-produced in large factories using conveyor belts and expensive machinery such as robot arms. Workers have specialised jobs, for instance, fitting wheels.
                                                                              2. batch
                                                                                1. Batch production where groups of items are made together. Each batch is finished before starting the next block of goods. For example, a baker first produces a batch of 50 white loaves. Only after they are completed will he or she start baking 50 loaves of brown bread.
                                                                                2. job
                                                                                  1. Job production where items are made individually and each item is finished before the next one is started. Designer dresses are made using the job production method.
                                                                            2. business aims
                                                                              1. year 1 survive
                                                                                1. year 2 make profit
                                                                                  1. year 3 expand
                                                                                2. what is brake even
                                                                                  1. where the sales and the cost are the same resalting in a zero profit
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