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GCSE History (Medicine Through Time) Mind Map on NHS, created by Alice Hathaway on 01/05/2016.
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medicine through time
Mind Map by
Alice Hathaway
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Alice Hathaway
almost 9 years ago
Resource summary
Why was it created?
Changed ideas after WW2
Evacuated children
People were shocked by living conditions
More unity between rich and poor
Rich began to see how poor lived
Unfair they couldn't get healthcare
Everyone is equal so should get same
Realised healthier = more work = more income
The desire for 'something better'
Soldiers more morale if knew family were okay back home
The war had provided some free medical care
Emergency Medical Service
Could carry this on
The Beveridge Report of 1942
Showed disease was a problem that had to be tackled after the war
Clement Atlee introduced this 'welfare state' he outlined when he became Prime Minister in 1945
Aneurin Bevan
Set up in 1948
Landmark for public health
Health Minister
Publicised his ideas
Pressured doctors to join
Everyone could now access same healthcare for 'free'
People's taxes paid for...
Seeing a GP
Hospital care and operations
Dentists and opticians
Health visitors
Pregnant women
Young children
Ambulances and emergency treatment
Health care for elderley
Problems with the NHS
Was more expensive than planned
Had to introduce costs for prescriptions in 1941
Getting more and more expensive
People are living longer and requiring moretreatment and more expensive treatments
Some treatments are't available on the NHS
E.g. some cancer treatments
Some believed poor got 'something for nothing'
Thought wouldn't get paid as much
Wanted freedom to treat patients privately
Bevan promised more hospitals/ equipment
Was badly needed
Allowed doctors to still have private patients
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