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Sociology Mind Map on Couples, created by Becky Saunders on 23/04/2013.
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Mind Map by
Becky Saunders
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Becky Saunders
almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
The Domestic Division of Labour
Parons: Husband has an Instrumental role geared towards achieving success, the wife has an Expressive role geared towards Primary Socialisation
Bott: Segregated Conjugal roles: Couple share tasks
Young and Willmott: Symmetrical family roles of husbands and wives
Women now go out to work part time / full time | Men now help with the childcare and housework | Couples share leisure time together
Changes in women's position including married women go out to work
Geographical Mobility: More couples living away from the communities in which they grew up
New Technology & labour saving devices. | Higher standards of living
Feminist View of housework
Reject the March of Progress View. Little has changed: Men and Woman remain unequal.
Women do most of the housework
This unequality stems from the the fact that family and society are male dominated
Oakley (1974) criticises Y&W's view that the family is now symmetrical
She argues that their claims are exaggerated and doesnt see their study as convincing evidence
Boulton found that 20% of husbands had a major role in childcare.
Argues that Young and Willmott exaggerate mens contribution by looking at tasks involved in childcare instead of responsibilities
Warde & Hetherington shows that sex- typing of domestic tasks remains strong
Younger men no longer assume women should do the housework and were more likely to think they were doing their fair share of housework
Oakley The rise of the housewife role
Industrialisation and the rise of factory production in the 19th century led to the seperation of paid work from the home
Women had intially been part of the labour force, they were gradually excluded from the workplace to the home becoming the homemaker
This enforced women's subordination and economic dependence on men. The housewife role was socially constructed.
Rather than being women's "natural role" as parsons claims
Oakley's view, eve though the 20th century saw an increase in the number of working married women, the housewife role is still the womans primary role
The impact of paid work
Man - Yee Kan found income from employment age and education affected how much housework women did
Gershuny found that wives who worked full time did less domestic work | wives who didnt work did 83% of the housework.
Wives who worked part time did 82% of the housework where as wives who worked full time did 73% of the housework
the longer wives had been in paid work the more housework the husband did
Couples who's parents had a more equal relationship were more likely to share housework between themselves
Social values are adapting to the fact that women are now working full time More men are doing housework as well as take responsibility for other task
Sullivan analysis of nationally representative data collected in 1975, 1987, 1997 found a trend towards greater equality
As men did more domestic labour
There was an increase in the numbers of couples with an equal division of labour and men were participating more in traditional, women's tasks
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