Unit 5 Folk Literature


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Emily P.
Mind Map by Emily P., updated more than 1 year ago
Emily P.
Created by Emily P. almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 5 Folk Literature
  1. Oral Tradition in print pg. 269
    1. Myths
      1. Fictional tales that explore the actions of gods and heros or explain why things are a certian way in the natural world
        1. Ancient Greece and Rome mythology, also known as classical mythology
      2. Folk Songs
        1. Present the ideas , values, feelings and beliefs of a culture in musical form
        2. Folk Tales
          1. Stories that often deal with heros, adventure, magic or romance
          2. Legends
            1. Traditional, farmiliar stories about the past
            2. Fables
              1. Brief stories or poems that teach lessons, or morals
            3. Elements of F.L pg. 628
              1. Themes
                1. Universal: expresses insights about life that can be understood by people of most cultures
                  1. Culturally Specific: reflect local coustoms and belifs
                  2. Purpose
                    1. Teach an important life lesson
                      1. Explain something in nature
                        1. Entertain or amuse
                        2. Forms
                          1. Folk Tales
                            1. Fairy tales
                              1. Fables
                                1. Wise Sayings
                                  1. Folk Songs
                                    1. Legends
                                      1. Myths
                                    2. Analyzing Structure and Theme pg. 630
                                      1. Stated and Implied Theme
                                        1. Themes in F.L are expressed in many different ways In a fable the theme is often stated at the end of the story as a moral, or lesson
                                        2. Common Themes in F.L
                                          1. Often, those who seem foolish are actually wise
                                            1. Too much pride can lead to a fall
                                              1. Wisdom comes through suffering
                                                1. The virtues of kindness, generosity, and modesty are stronger than their opposites-cruelty, greed, and pride
                                                  1. An unappealing outward appearance may disguise a noble soul
                                                  2. Simple Diction
                                                    1. Diction is an author's choice of words, phrases, and sentence structure. The simple diction in much of F.L is characterized by plain, common words, everyday language, and simple sentence construction
                                                    2. Patterns
                                                      1. Many folk stories begin with simple pharases such as Once upon a time, Long ago in a far-of land
                                                        1. Threes
                                                        2. Archetypes
                                                          1. An archetype is an element that recurs regularly in literature and has similar meanings to people of different cultures and eras
                                                          2. Repetition
                                                            1. The repetition of events, lines of dialogue, descriptions, and sound patterns is a familiar element in F,L
                                                              1. A refrain, often found in folk songs and poems, is the repetition of a phrase, line, or verse at regular intervals in the text
                                                            2. Symbols and Theme
                                                              1. A symbol is a person, place or object that represents something beyond it's literal meaning
                                                            3. Characteristics of F.L pg. 629
                                                              1. Fantasy
                                                                1. Writing that is highly imaginative and contains elements not found in real life
                                                                2. Personification
                                                                  1. Type of figurative language in which a nonhuman subject is given human characteristics
                                                                  2. Dialect
                                                                    1. Form of language spoken by people of a particular region or group
                                                                    2. Hyperbole
                                                                      1. Exaggeration or overstated
                                                                      2. Irony
                                                                        1. Involves surprises, unexpected events, and interesting or amusing contradictions
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