Lion Heart by Amanda Chong


Mind Map on Lion Heart by Amanda Chong, created by azittoun on 22/05/2016.
Mind Map by azittoun, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by azittoun over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Lion Heart by Amanda Chong
  1. S
    1. The history of Singapore from an admirative and patriotic point of view: the writer's
      1. Retells the creation of Singapore by a Mer lion, now Singapore's symbol
    2. P
      1. Show how proud Chong is of her city state and people
        1. Theme
          1. Patriotism
            1. Uses of symbols such as the flag
              1. "five stars in the red tapestry of our sky"
            2. Love
            3. Make Singaporeans proud of their city state by retelling their origins
            4. I
              1. admirative
                1. Throughout the poem, the mood is quite admirative, which shows that the writer is proud of her city state
                  1. This enhanced by the description of the mer lion (metaphor of the singaporeans) who is described using the lexical field of treasure or precious things "emerald glaze", "scales of sunshine"... His physical power is described using words with a positive connotation like "conquered" or "summoned"
                2. Patriotic mood
                  1. highlighted by the use of traditional words, and the flag
                3. T
                  1. S
                    1. Chronological order of how the merlion established the country which emphasizes the idea the writer is proud of Singapore's history and why it has become.
                      1. 8 stanzas => made up of 6 verses each except: 6th + 7th ones => 3 verses + last stanza => only contains 2 verses => Implies that Singapore's future is being built step by step
                        1. No particular rhyme scheme (free verses) => symbolizes Singapore’s change
                        2. L
                          1. “Five stars in the red tapestry of our sky” => refers to Singapore’s flag => emphasizes the writer’s devotion to her country
                            1. Powerful verbs are used to describe the merlion (“conquered”, “summoned”)=> depicts his strength => shows the admiration of the writer
                              1. Use of traditional vocabulary: “Keris”=> Malay or Indonesian dagger with a wavy blade + “blumboat”=> small boat carrying food for sale => emphasizes the idea of patriotism and the fact that the writer is proud of her city state
                                1. All the words have a positive connotation => shows how much the writer is proud of her country
                                  1. Vocabulary of treasure: “ivory coast”, “scales of sunshine”, “emerald glaze”, “golden sheen”
                                    1. Lexical field of nature (stanza 4): "saplings swaddled in green" => show the beautifulness of Singapore
                                    2. I
                                      1. Use of Metaphors
                                        1. “Seeds arrive”=> represents the humans coming and developing on the island
                                          1. “iron lightning” =>represents Singapore, the city of skyscrapers which conveys how strong and powerful the city state is
                                          2. Personification
                                            1. the lion = represents the strength, the courage, and the unity of Singapore => “You conquered the shore, the ivory coast”=> helps raising the emotion as the reader is engaged in the poem more easily => helps the text be more vibrant and alive => creates a sense of patriotism
                                          3. M
                                            1. The sentences are about the same length (2-3 verses long) => steady rythm through the poem =>also enhanced by the numerous uses of comas
                                            2. S
                                              1. Sibillances
                                                1. “saplings swaddled” (stanza 4) “saplings swaddled” (stanza 4)
                                                  1. => time passes as young trees grow
                                                2. Alliterations
                                                  1. “throbbing humming bumboats” (stanza 5)
                                                    1. => mimics the sound of waves crashing against the boats’ flank =>phonological effect of busy shipping => suggests the sea is the life blood of Singapore
                                                    2. “oceanic origins”
                                                      1. => creates a movement + draws attention to the verse => shows the pride of Chong to have a such close relationship with the sea due to her origins
                                                3. S
                                                  1. In summary, the poem "Lion Heart" by Amanda Chong is a strongly patriotic poem about Singapore and its history. The poem is about a the emblem of Singapore, a merlion with supernatural powers who rose from the ocean and walked onto the land that is now Singapore to create the city/state. The poem encourages people to remember their origins.The poem is divided in 8 stanzas all 6 verses except the 6th and 7th which are only 3 verses and the last stanza which is 2 versus.
                                                    1. The merlion, which is the main character of the poem, is described using strong and powerful verbs insisting on it's power. All the vocabulary has a positive connotation suggesting the author looks at Singapore and it's history with happiness and admiration. There is also a lot of literary techniques like metaphors (ex: "seeds arrive") and imagery (ex: the image of the lion) which enhance the themes and ideas portrayed by the poet. Also the sibilance and alliterations that are present in the poem help create a cohesive and easy flowing piece of writing. I can finally say that Chong has succeeding in creatong a patriotic poem dedocated to her city state by showing how proud she is and how all Singaporeans should be of their history and nation
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