LTM and the very big picture


Mind Map on LTM and the very big picture, created by lauramarilla24 on 18/02/2014.
Mind Map by lauramarilla24, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lauramarilla24 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

LTM and the very big picture
  1. ELT materials 1950s - 1980s
    1. Social events affect materials
      1. 1950s/60s
        1. Cold war
          1. Reflect in
            1. Scientific approach
              1. English pattern practice
          2. 1960s/70s
            1. Flower power
              1. Humanistic methodologies
                1. naturalistic approach, silent way, suggestopedia
              2. Do it yourself
              3. 1970s/80s
                1. Individuals' linguistics wants and needs
                  1. Special purposes
                    1. Person centered activity
                      1. Learning to learn english
                      2. "Me decade"
                        1. Social moves
                          1. communicative language teaching movement
                            1. Democratisation of language
                      3. New imperatives on materials design
                        1. standardised view of language
                          1. McDonaldization
                            1. Based in efficiency and total predictability
                              1. Caged
                                1. Two-page workplans, standarised into ostensible "50 minutes lesson"
                                  1. Units, modules, blocks, themes.
                                    1. Exercises routinized plans for classroom world, globally prescribe.
                                2. Neoliberalism
                                  1. Physical product or intangible service
                                    1. Successful
                                      1. Atomisation
                                        1. Specification of goods and services
                                      2. Monetisation
                                        1. Monetary values
                                          1. Language certification
                                            1. A1- A2 - B1 ...
                                    2. Conclusion
                                      1. produce materials with
                                        1. potential
                                          1. Create unique outcomes
                                      2. Production of materials
                                        1. Relatated
                                          1. Social and historical aspects
                                            1. Social phenomena
                                          2. Cultural artifacts
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