presentation: present some creatine ideas to help improve the local economy in Whangarei


5 envrioment Mind Map on presentation: present some creatine ideas to help improve the local economy in Whangarei, created by 845784968 on 30/05/2016.
Mind Map by 845784968, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 845784968 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

presentation: present some creatine ideas to help improve the local economy in Whangarei
  1. current situation: Lily research
    1. economy
      1. environment
      2. population: Scott research
        1. existing population
          1. student capacity
        2. solution: attract more international student: Serena and kevin research
          1. expand north tec
            1. advertisement
              1. how much money that we need ? how to get enough money?
                1. ways
                2. improve facilities
                  1. apartment
                    1. international shops
                      1. international student consumption
                      2. when: weekend and some afternoon
                        1. information/resoures:
                          1. 1.Whangarei long term plan
                            1. google
                              1. search everything
                              2. questions:
                                1. how do we get seed money? how much?
                                  1. how to attract international student
                                    1. how to let international student consumes at Whangarei
                                  2. group 9
                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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