William The Conqueror


History Mind Map on William The Conqueror, created by Hannah Connellan on 25/04/2013.
Hannah Connellan
Mind Map by Hannah Connellan, updated more than 1 year ago
Hannah Connellan
Created by Hannah Connellan over 11 years ago

Resource summary

William The Conqueror
  1. Who Should be King?
    1. Harold Hadraada
      1. Harold Godwinson
        1. William of Normandy
        2. Battle of Stamford Bridge
          1. English versus the Vikings
            1. Harold Godwinson
              1. Harald Hadraada
            2. Battle of Hastings
              1. Bayeux Tapestry
                1. Latin
                  1. Norman perspective
                    1. Shows Battle of Hastings
                    2. Feudal System
                      1. The order of society
                        1. Who has power?
                          1. King
                            1. Barons
                              1. Peasants
                          2. Power given by God
                            1. Divine Right
                        2. Castles
                          1. Why they had them?
                            1. They made him look powerful and he could house his barons!
                            2. What were they made of?
                              1. Wood - quick and cheap
                                1. Stone later e.g Tower of London
                              2. Doomsday Book
                                1. Tracks the population and who owns the land
                                  1. Taxes
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